A Song of Steel and Dust – Epilogue

Hey...It's you and me, now... Right ?You and me until the end.And, maybe... maybe beyond ? Mama... tell me another story !Once upon a time, there was... just a man. That man though, wasn't quite like any other... His name was... let's call him Woodie.I'd like to meet Woodie, one day.I'd like that too, baby.Very... Continue Reading →

A Song of Steel and Dust – Part LI

Evelyn's pregnancy is confirmed.After making sure she is real, Belcher explains what he's been up to to Evelyn. He's been tracking Nahid Cattleworth's down, after he found out the latter had Gideon tapped.He then found out about a private Lab, property of Cattleworth, and that's about all he's discovered till then.Belcher's still in a bad... Continue Reading →

A Song of Steel and Dust – Part L

Flashback : what really happened after Evelyn left Dolan to Dr Jolie and Kari's clone.After Belcher showed up, Evelyn tried to reach out to him... But, his heavy medication seem to alter his perception of reality. What is real, and, what is not ?

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