A Song of Steel and Dust – Epilogue

12 thoughts on “A Song of Steel and Dust – Epilogue

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  1. OMG!!! So… it was Woodie who died and it was all Evie’s imagination afterwords 😢😭😭😭 And you tricked me!! I knew you were brewing somthing heartbreaking but I thought you are about ti kill Evie while she is giving birth.
    Ana, you evil genius!!! 💔💔💔😭😭😭

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  2. Since I came to read it again because I’m a masochist and because the post is so beautiful, I just want to add that what happened makes perfect sence. Evie’s dad was preparing her for such travels with that machine since she was a little kid and later she continued to inject those same shots to keep herself alive after the experiment. And Woods was unprepared. Sadly. But very realistic. 👏👏👏

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    1. Mi…. thank you so much for pointing that out. That was the only plausible end, no matter how much I wanted Woodie to live (And you don’t want to know just how much time I spent thinking about it lol, the lil bastard just didn’t want to die like that at first). I legit teared up a little making up that scene, and the poses for it. This is not a joke when I said that Asaf Clown song really got me into the mood, it was playing in the background the whole time… The scene actually came to me as I first listenned to it, and I just had to make it come real. Dunno if I make any sense at all ahah, but yeah.
      Thank you for the comment about the post ❤ love u !


      1. Just a heads up, I have a similar set I haven’t finished yet. I’m telling you this, so you won’t be angry and think that I stole your idea. I created these because my sims do live on an island and people were asking for Jade to find a mate lying on the beach. I didn’t really want that for her, but I started the set anyway in case I changed my mind.

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      2. Lmao that would never cross my mind, I don’t think there’s such thing as pose appropriation or something 🤗 the more poses the better, there are never enough imo 🙂 ❤

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